An Homage to Boris

Clara Ravens Ep. 4 Colombina's Illusion Part II - Wallpaper SampleAs promised, here’s a glimpse at the first of the desktop wallpapers to be bundled with the release of Clara Ravens Ep. 4: Colombina’s Illusion – Part II. I am only releasing a small version just like I did for part I, so you’ll have to wait for the comic’s release for the larger ones. I made sure to render to a resolution that allowed me to make a 4K version for those of you who like to couple giant tits with giant monitors.

The render is an homage to one of my favorite artists of all time: Boris Vallejo. Strap in for a moment, because I’m about to share a (hopefully) interesting story regarding Boris and his artist wife Julie Bell:

When I was growing up as a young teen, I played a lot of AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons to you non-nerds out there). I was also really into drawing and my uncle, a very accomplished artist, was helping me improve by giving me books on dynamic Continue reading “An Homage to Boris”