Dossier 10 Update

Dossier 10 - Frame 004No time to waste here today, ladies and gentlemen, so enjoy the unveiling of one of the male characters who will be featured in Dossier 10 (currently still untitled).

As mentioned previously, in this dossier Clara seeks out an old associate who occasionally helps her with acquiring relics. He has helped her many times in the past and she has always compensated him well. But due to the difficulty in acquiring this latest requested artifact, he demands a more… intimate… form of payment.

Dossier 10 will be released early to mid-June. I hope you enjoy the new character, and expect to see him again. I’ll post something later when I get to the sex scenes so you can see both male characters, so check back again!

That’s all for now. Have a great week everyone!

Clara’s Finery

Clara Ravens - Elegant FineryHello everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I didn’t get much done due to Cinco de Mayo, which is practically a national holiday when you live in San Diego. Spent one whole day nursing a hangover, and then yesterday was Mother’s Day so there was a lot of phone calls and Facebook messages to family near and far. Hopefully those of us lucky enough to still have a mother with us did something nice for her, and for those who don’t, hopefully you celebrated her memory in some fashion.

This is how Clara will appear in the next dossier which, at the moment, does not have a title. In this dossier we will catch up with Clara somewhere in the Middle East, where she has just come from an antiquities auction of some note, dressed in that head-turning way that she enjoys using to her advantage. Having scored quite the haul at the auction, she then heads off for a much more clandestine meeting with an old associate and occasional colleague.

More details will be presented next update, as I want to show off the set and the two male characters who will be featured in this set. I know you guys love the group sex, so this outing will be MMF, and I have no doubt that you are going to flip when you see the one character! Also, the visual narrative this time out is sensual yet dirty, and has a great twist at the end.

I hope you enjoy Clara’s new look! Stay tuned for another update this week!

As You Like It

Prostitute from Dossier 009: Into RuinHey everyone, sorry for the absence. It was my girlfriend’s birthday so we were in Disneyland/California Adventure for a few days. Also had to do the Renderotica and Affect3D conversions of Dossier 009: Into Ruin and had some personal issues to deal with, but things are slowly getting back on track. Thank you all for your patience and continued comments and discussion. I loved keeping up with what you guys were posting in the last thread while I was on vacation.

Speaking of which, a few of you mentioned it would be wise to get a poll up right away for what everyone would like to see in the next dossier while I work on the current public commission projects, so as to minimize downtime. I think that is a great idea, but honestly I’ve been so incredibly distracted with my personal issues that I have no ideas for the next dossier. So while I do plan to open up a poll, I’d first love to hear your feedback (once again) for the character(s) you’d like to see most, the scenarios, the stories, etc. Drop a comment and let me know what you’d like to see most, and I’ll compile a list like we did the last dossier poll. Feel free to post more than one idea as well if you like. Xipomus and I will take all suggestions and make a poll with the data for you all to vote on. Continue reading “As You Like It”

Dossier 009: Into Ruin – Coming Soon

Dossier 009: Into Ruin - Promo 01I’m terribly sorry this took until the end of the week to get posted up, but setting these three characters up turned out to be very difficult. The new female character (who is clearly based on Cortana from the “Halo” video game franchise) took several days to texture and set up materials for. Those circuits… Good lord, they took forever to get right. But I am very pleased with how she turned out. Continue reading “Dossier 009: Into Ruin – Coming Soon”