UpdateCR 4 part II

Hello all,

At the momemnt due to a very few weeks at my full time job, I can only work on the weekends, so that doensn’t help progress. I’m hoping to release on the end of November.

To help it further along, I taken day off next week en 2 days the week following. Hopefully I can get the planning back on track.

After that weekend, I should be able to annouce when the definite release is.

Thanks you for you patience and your continued support. Just a quick tease to wet the appetite.


Well wednesday and this weekend did a lot of work. Fixed a lot of mistakes I made last week. It slowly getting there. But still over 40 renders and all audio to do.

The Project sliders on the side have been updated just now.

Hopefully next weekend I can give you guys a definite releasedate.


Update and tease

Top o’ the Morning

Ember Riley - Black LingerieChances are that where you reside, it’s not currently morning. Hell, it’s not even morning here. But the post title wouldn’t make sense if I said “top o’ the afternoon”, would it? Or “top o’ the evening”? What is the “top” referring to anyway? Can a morning even have a top? If so, then one could argue it also has a bottom, and that means that morning can be spanked when it’s being naughty.

While you ponder the above metaphysical nonsense, take a few seconds to enjoy this studio pin-up render of Ember in a black version of her lingerie from Dossier 011: Siren Song. I rendered this to accompany the breaking news that Andrei Rykov and Ember Riley will be appearing in Dark Rift Episode 2: Separation. Oh, also Dark Rift Episode 2 has a title, and it is Separation. Ember’s encounter on Dykuma Prime in Dossier 011: Siren Song was intended to tie directly into Dark Rift, though I was gonna bring her character in later. But seeing as she is such a favorite, I’ve gotten her and Andrei into the second episode so you can all see the beginning of their arcs, which I think you’re going to enjoy. Now, unfortunately this shortened a certain favorite xenophile’s scene considerably, but don’t fret… She’ll still be getting some hadrcore action in this episode, too! Continue reading “Top o’ the Morning”

Working the Pole

Samantha Radisson - Pole Dancing 03Sam’s a stripper now. Deal with it…

Well, not really. Not canonically, anyway. But apparently there are men and women who do pole dancing as a form of exercise. I just learned this from khazadune and I’m completely fine with women in tight-fitting clothes working a stripper pole to stay fit. After all, a healthy core is important… both in physical fitness and when finishing an apple.

This commission required a lot of research into pole dancing and, with the exception of the first image in the series, all of these are actual pole dancing moves with names and levels of difficulty. I watched a lot of videos to make sure the posing was authentic and it was actually quite a bit of work to sculpt musculature fixes where Sam’s mesh would deform from the more extreme bends. And then sculpt the same fits into her clothing. Continue reading “Working the Pole”


Clara Ravens Ep. 4 Colombina's Illusion Part II - Wallpaper Sample 2Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend so far. First things first: Don’t bother clicking on the image above, as it won’t open any larger. What you’re seeing is a crop of the second wallpaper I’ve completed for inclusion in the “bonus” features of Clara Ravens Ep. 4 Colombina’s Illusion Part II. If the crop doesn’t make it clear, it is a top-down camera angle of Clara relaxing in her home whirlpool jacuzzi bath tub. Like all the wallpapers bundled in the DCV, this one will have six different size options, with the largest created specifically for 4k monitors! Continue reading “Suds…”