The Damsel and the Driver

The Damsel and the Driver 02“Well, what do you know about it then, mate?” Henry says as he slams his near-empty pint glass down hard on the pub table. “It’s not like you’ve ever been with a ten! You’ve bedded nothin’ but munters, isn’t that right?!” Henry winks and nudges Benny with his elbow, both men laughing heartily and loudly. Norman sits in silence as the men have a cheap laugh at his expense, their guffaws eventually devolving into a cacophony of unhealthy wheezing before trailing off completely. The noise of the crowded pub fills the momentary break in conversation as Benny lights up another cigarette and Henry looks around for a barmaid to bring another round.

“Actually I have,” Norman said aloud, his forceful tone cutting through the loud ambience of clinking glasses and foul bar-language. Henry and Benny simultaneously look at each other and begin cracking up. Norman rolls his eyes as the men oversell the hilarity of his declaration, tossing themselves about in their chairs. Continue reading “The Damsel and the Driver”

Did He Just Say Cock Socket?

Well, it’s Monday again, and if there’s one thing I know about you it’s that YOU DON’T DO MONDAYS!! Unless, of course, “Monday” is the name of a large-breasted stripper who just offered to meet you after her shift for some real fun. Then you totally do Mondays, don’t you? You just want to have your cake and eat it too, isn’t that right? And by “cake” I mean “Monday’s asshole”. You make me sick.

Sorry, that got dark pretty quick. And speaking of dark… what could be darker than that giant cock penetrating Erogenesis’ Project E mesh in the above video (brilliant segue FTW)! Between working on Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion part II and a few commission projects, I’ve been familiarizing myself more with the Project E mesh, and thought I’d do another quick animation with it. As with the last one I did, this isn’t utilizing a ton of dials to achieve the desired effect. Also, keep in mind this is more or less a ‘rough cut’. If/when she ends up in my production environment for any animation work (which I really would like), I’ll spend extra time to make it look as realistic as possible. This was literally only 15 minutes of setup. I am truly impressed with the mesh, and I really admire the gorgeous weight mapping and joint controlled morphs he has created, not to mention that lovely cock socket! Continue reading “Did He Just Say Cock Socket?”

Dossier 013: The Order of Lilith – Now Available!

The wait is finally over! Dossier 013: The Order of Lilith, featuring the British darling Clara Ravens, is available now in the Epoch Art store! So click on the link and go grab yourself a copy today!

Weighing in at a whopping 100 pages, this dossier is our longest to date. Featuring tons of hot sex and intense action, The Order of Lilith is sure to please all types of Clara fans. Featuring one of the richest (if not the richest) narrative in any of the dossiers thus far, you will find yourself immersed in an incredible tale from Clara’s past that caused the return of the ancient demon known as Lilith.

The story got away from me here, but I am so glad I got to tell it. I really loved the setup and can’t wait to do more with Lilith in the future. I really apologize for the delay, but there was a lot to work through to finish this huge story. This was the most postwork I had to do by a large margin for any dossier. It is also the most characters I’ve worked with at once. This was a monumental undertaking, and I am excited to finally share it with you all. I really hope you enjoy it!

And as always, if you purchase a copy, please consider leaving a review for other potential buyers in the “Reviews” section on the product page. Please do not leave comments and/or feedback unless you have actually bought the product! Going forward, all comments relating to piracy of Epoch Art works will be immediately deleted, as will reviews left in the “Reviews” section if your review does not possess the “verified buyer” tag. Misleading potential buyers because you dislike something you didn’t even buy is a shitty fucking thing to do, and you should feel bad for doing it.

Cheese and Whine Pairing

Dossier 013: The Order of Lilith - Coming Soon!I think it’s pretty obvious the natives are getting a little restless, so here’s a frame from the upcoming Dossier 013: The Order of Lilith showing off some of the sexy sex. This frame is revealing more of the plot than I had planned, as the synopsis for the comic reveals only the backstory; the rest you will discover while enjoying the dossier itself. But I did promise something, so here you go.

Release date is hopefully this Saturday, January 14th. I am not going to commit to that because, as the jaded commentors pointed out, I’m horrible with release dates. It’s why I’ve stopped posting release dates altogether, instead offering vague projections. But that seems to just irritate people even more when I can’t deliver, so after this release I’m switching entirely to the Blizzard model of “it’s done when it’s done”. No more release dates, even estimations, will be posted. For anything. So don’t ask. Continue reading “Cheese and Whine Pairing”