“Well, what do you know about it then, mate?” Henry says as he slams his near-empty pint glass down hard on the pub table. “It’s not like you’ve ever been with a ten! You’ve bedded nothin’ but munters, isn’t that right?!” Henry winks and nudges Benny with his elbow, both men laughing heartily and loudly. Norman sits in silence as the men have a cheap laugh at his expense, their guffaws eventually devolving into a cacophony of unhealthy wheezing before trailing off completely. The noise of the crowded pub fills the momentary break in conversation as Benny lights up another cigarette and Henry looks around for a barmaid to bring another round.
“Actually I have,” Norman said aloud, his forceful tone cutting through the loud ambience of clinking glasses and foul bar-language. Henry and Benny simultaneously look at each other and begin cracking up. Norman rolls his eyes as the men oversell the hilarity of his declaration, tossing themselves about in their chairs. Continue reading “The Damsel and the Driver”
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