A Distraction from the Distractions

Dossier 007: Legacy of the Batutut - Frame 028I saw a few concerned comments in the last post that the project might be off the rails, so let me assure you it is not. Well, to be more specific, it is not completely off the rails, but the wheels are spinning loose. Is this analogy confusing you? Well read on, and let’s get you straightened out! Continue reading “A Distraction from the Distractions”

The Ripcord Date

Clara Ravens Ep. 4: Colombina's Illusion - Page 117Happy Star Wars Day to you all!

As SDCC steadily approaches (July 8th – July 12) and my income just as steadily wanes, I find myself once again having to add the dreaded “ripcord date” to my project calendar. I was paid out from my other markets for my April sales and things are not looking so great financially. I will find myself in dire straights by the beginning of June, and though my calendar indicates a completion date for Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion near and around mid-June, there is absolutely no certainty. The difference between the concrete release dates of image sets and the more elusive dates of comics is that I never know how many pages a comic will be, nor can I estimate just how long setting up an animation will take (could be several hours or several days based on complexity) or render (typically takes days). With image sets, I know in advance how many frames it will be, how long it Continue reading “The Ripcord Date”

The Deep Dive to Social Media

San Diego Comic Con 2014Well, I’m back on the grid and ready to drop some updates. But to be honest, the notion of writing a long-winded blog post to fill you all in on my San Diego Comic Con 2014 experience, update plans for the DCV, social media launches, and the state of my liver after the heavy boozing over the last two weeks seems exhausting. So I’m just going to let this one flow ‘stream of consciousness’ style and see where it takes us. I hope to be brief. I also hope I’m wearing briefs because I just pissed myself with boredom (that’s a thing, right?).

First off, SDCC 2014 was incredible albeit lacking in energy and pizzazz. This year felt… smaller. I don’t know quite how to describe it. Missing was the grand spectacle of previous year’s booths, which would blow your mind as you first walked on the exhibit floor. Also seemingly in smaller numbers were the cosplayers. I honestly don’t recall seeing even one single Power Girl. Seriously. How the fuck was there no Power Girl cosplay? That’s usually the go-to cosplay for chicks who want to show off their magnificent rack. And finally, the crowd itself just seemed to be lacking the enthusiasm and energy of years past. It was a very low-energy vibe I got this year… Continue reading “The Deep Dive to Social Media”

Comic Con 2013

Comic Con 2013Please excuse me for posting material completely unrelated to Epoch Art, but I am still reeling from the exhausting experience that was this year’s Comic-Con International. For the uninitiated, Comic-Con International (typically just referred to as ‘Comic-Con’) is the single biggest yearly convention based around comic books, movies, television, video games, and toys; held yearly in sunny San Diego California. As a resident of San Diego (and a huge fan of all things nerdy), I am one of the privileged who graciously attends the four day event each year, soaking in the amazing exhibitors’ booths, spot-on cosplays, and entertaining panels.

This year was intense, as I spent many, many hours waiting in line for panels, walking the exhibit floor, buying Comic-Con exclusive swag, and eating at expensive restaurants. It was way too much time to be on one’s feet. I had three friends in town for the event who stayed at my house, so I had no downtime in the evenings either. The whole weekend was a blur of sensory Continue reading “Comic Con 2013”