Fire in the Ice – Coming Friday, February 6th!

Dossier 6: Fire in the Ice - Coming Early February 2015I’m actually embarrassed to share this image. This picture was meant to be the announcement/teaser image for the new set. But it came out looking like garbage. It is Ember’s Game all over again. Fucking nonsense splotchiness against surfaces from light emitters as well as unacceptable levels of noise. Back when Ember’s Game was released, we were using Octane 1.0. But we’ve progressed to Octane 2.0 and whatever revision it’s currently on, and still the fucking elephant in the room with this software has not been addressed. (See edit at bottom of this post)

I’m gonna let any aspiring 3D artists in on a little secret about Octane: IT CAN’T FUCKING RENDER INTERIORS. Full stop. Period. It can’t fucking do it. It is fucking garbage. Unless you put windows in the room that allow you to get light in the room with their physical sun/sky module or HDRI, you’re going to get results like this. Octane’s forums are filled with bullshit workaround and fixes: limit the reflective materials in the scene, Continue reading “Fire in the Ice – Coming Friday, February 6th!”

The Dossier Series

Ember Riley - Promo Art 04I am very pleased to announce that Epoch Art has begun a new venture in erotic CG art. In addition to the production of our proprietary dynamic comics, we will also be producing standard image sets featuring character and story tie-ins to the Epoch Art universe. These image sets will be almost entirely porn images, not unlike the works of fantastic erotic artists like Blackadder, Merovingian, and the slew of other artists selling at both Renderotica and Affect3d. The difference is that they will still use our Dynamic Comic Viewer (DCV) technology, so you will be able to keep all of your Epoch Art comics together in one place.

These image sets, dubbed The Dossier Series, will feature characters who may or may not have appeared in other Epoch Art comics, but are nonetheless part of that universe. The particular comic they belong to will be in their ‘dossier’, which will serve as the cover image for the set (see the sample at the Continue reading “The Dossier Series”