Green is the New Polly

Mirialan 02Khazadune gave me the go-ahead to share this commissioned set so here you go. This female alien character is part of some obscure science fiction universe based on a film series called Star Wars I believe. It’s a story about some religious cult and I think there might be a robot or a luck dragon or something? I can’t remember as I don’t pay much attention to indies…

So this is a Mirialan, which is a green-skinned, near-human alien race that tattoo their face and arms to signify specific life accomplishments. Ask Khaz if you want more details, as I didn’t realize they were even in the latter trilogy until I looked them up. This character uses Polly’s exact body shape (except with a smaller, rounder breast) but has a unique face and texture done from scratch. The outfit is something I plan to use in Dark Rift (minus the tool belt, which I borrowed from Polly at Khazadune’s request since his character is a mechanic) because it’s fucking rad. Continue reading “Green is the New Polly”

Did He Just Say Cock Socket?

Well, it’s Monday again, and if there’s one thing I know about you it’s that YOU DON’T DO MONDAYS!! Unless, of course, “Monday” is the name of a large-breasted stripper who just offered to meet you after her shift for some real fun. Then you totally do Mondays, don’t you? You just want to have your cake and eat it too, isn’t that right? And by “cake” I mean “Monday’s asshole”. You make me sick.

Sorry, that got dark pretty quick. And speaking of dark… what could be darker than that giant cock penetrating Erogenesis’ Project E mesh in the above video (brilliant segue FTW)! Between working on Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion part II and a few commission projects, I’ve been familiarizing myself more with the Project E mesh, and thought I’d do another quick animation with it. As with the last one I did, this isn’t utilizing a ton of dials to achieve the desired effect. Also, keep in mind this is more or less a ‘rough cut’. If/when she ends up in my production environment for any animation work (which I really would like), I’ll spend extra time to make it look as realistic as possible. This was literally only 15 minutes of setup. I am truly impressed with the mesh, and I really admire the gorgeous weight mapping and joint controlled morphs he has created, not to mention that lovely cock socket! Continue reading “Did He Just Say Cock Socket?”

More of Polly’s Spa Day

Polly Spa Day 03Ladies and hyenas, just wanted to drop these off to you all real quick as I’ve had an exhausting day of running errands and need to get some work done yet on the next commission project. So here are four pinup-styel images of Polly Talbish, enjoying her time in the exotic hot springs of an alien planet, commissioned by site regular Chris3DX. Drop him a note of thanks and let him and I know what you think. By the way, if you enjoyed the previous Ember commission, he’s also the one to thank. I personally think they turned out great and was excited to do more with the set I put together for the Polly and Jester commission (which can be found in the Exclusive Newsletter Gallery).

If you find yourself not getting a rise out of these images, check your pulse… you’re likely dead.

‘Til next time, folks. Enjoy your week!

Polly Spa Day 01 Polly Spa Day 02 Polly Spa Day 04

My Slutty Valentine

Alien Spa DayHappy Valentine’s Day! While we dine on confectionaries from a heart-shaped box (Hey! Wait! I’ve got a new complaint) and “surprise” our loved one with overpriced, long-stemmed roses that will be dead in two weeks, let’s take a minute to appreciate the subtext of what this non-holiday is all about: sex!

Well, it’s actually a fabricated holiday that traces its roots to the martyrdom of a Christian priest which was co-opted centuries later by greeting card companies to sell greeting cards and gifts under the guise of romantic love… but still!

So here’s a render of Polly visiting an outdoor spa on an alien planet, and wouldn’t you know it? She’s noticed someone approaching her, but doesn’t seem all that concerned that she’s been spotted nude. In fact, I’d say she looks rather pleased by it. I wonder who it could be?

Spoiler alert: It’s Jester. Continue reading “My Slutty Valentine”