MILF Rendered in Octane

MILF Rendered in OctaneSomeone was asking for a MILF render recently. Although MILFs are not my cup of tea, I happened to have made one awhile back with some awesome aging morphs I found at Share CG. So I took the character I had built originally as a teacher character and rendered her in Octane. She came out rather strikingly photoreal, in my opinion. After much experimentation, I’ve come up with a lighting rig I really like for portraits, as seen in this render.

This character will likely never see any ‘starring’ role in any of my stories, since I don’t think MILFs have as strong an appeal as the hot, nubile, gals. But since she is finished (I have a clothed version of her, as well), she will probably appear somewhere, if only just as an extra.

Unless, of course, general opinion is to see this hot MILF in action. But I’ll leave that up to you to decide, in the form of comments and hand grenades.

Nurse Joyce

This is the protagonist of an upcoming series I’m going to be doing called Memoirs of a Cougar. Each episode is going to be its own vignette; a standalone story with a different “cougar” protagonist. The story will be told from the point of view of the woman as if she was reading her memoirs aloud in voiceover. Each story deals with a woman in her 30s or 40s who sexually pursues a much younger male suitor. Episodes will deal with the taboos of sexual infidelity, sexual blackmail, and lonely housewives.

The first episode will feature Nurse Joyce, a thirtysomething housewife who works the overnight shift at a hospital. She has little interaction with her husband who works day shift, and has become very sexually frustrated. Soon she meets a very ill young man who is admitted for long-term care at her hospital and discovers he is lonely, too. Soon, a sordid affair begins. Continue reading “Nurse Joyce”