Green is the New Polly

Mirialan 02Khazadune gave me the go-ahead to share this commissioned set so here you go. This female alien character is part of some obscure science fiction universe based on a film series called Star Wars I believe. It’s a story about some religious cult and I think there might be a robot or a luck dragon or something? I can’t remember as I don’t pay much attention to indies…

So this is a Mirialan, which is a green-skinned, near-human alien race that tattoo their face and arms to signify specific life accomplishments. Ask Khaz if you want more details, as I didn’t realize they were even in the latter trilogy until I looked them up. This character uses Polly’s exact body shape (except with a smaller, rounder breast) but has a unique face and texture done from scratch. The outfit is something I plan to use in Dark Rift (minus the tool belt, which I borrowed from Polly at Khazadune’s request since his character is a mechanic) because it’s fucking rad. Continue reading “Green is the New Polly”