Dossier 011: Siren Song – Coming July 2016

Ember RileyHere’s some promotional artwork for Dossier 011: Siren Song, which is coming mid- to late-July. As a few of you surmised based on the teaser image in the slider, this dossier will indeed feature the triumphant return of one of the U.P.A.’s finest… Ember Riley!

In this dossier, Ember and team are doing recon on a near-inhospitable desert planet when her fighter’s (the U.P.A. FC-320SI “Siren”) systems fail, and she goes down. After crash landing, she recovers part of her gear and fires up a distress beacon, but soon begins to succumb to the intense heat of the planet. She finds shelter in a nearby abandoned research facility, but it turns out that protection from the heat is not the only thing this place has to offer.

Hope you enjoy this promo piece from the upcoming project. Still a lot to be done, but it will definitely be out this month. Let me know what you think of this newest set in the comments below!

On My Grind

Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina's IllusionWell, ladies and hyenas… we are once again in production on Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion. Now having officially passed the two year mark (not all of it production time on this particular project, obviously), this is easily the longest project I’ve ever worked on. It is over 120 pages at this point with over 450 renders completed in order to offer that unique “dynamic” experience that I am going for in these works. This comic will be bigger than Dark Rift Episode 1: Resurrection by a HUGE margin; both in terms of man-hours and scope. I have learned an enormous amount about Octane since I started it, but yet the images from even the earliest pages still look incredible and are up to my quality standards. I am eager to make a huge push to get this thing finished before the end of the year, but I make no promises because those often get me in trouble with you guys! Continue reading “On My Grind”

Dossier 008 Now Available!

Hey menfolk and ladyfolk, Dossier 008: The Boggarts of Loughview Cairn is available in the Epoch Art store! Do yourself a favor and go snag a copy for only $9.99 USD! Also, BE SURE YOU HAVE THE DCV VERSION 3.0 OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW THIS PRODUCT! You can download it here: DCV Version 3.0 Download.

Clara returns from an expedition with an artifact of unknown powers: A large urn adorned with celtic runes. She takes a shower to wash off the grime from her expedition, then sits down in her bedroom foyer to examine this mysterious artifact and see if she can’t unlock its mysteries. However, she soon grows tired from her long day and decides to sleep. After some time passes in the night, the moon’s position moves to her window and strikes the urn, igniting a powerful magic and awakening boggarts. These creatures, although essentially harmless, are very mischievous and difficult to get rid of. Clara, having seen boggarts in the past, immediately recognizes the creatures and checks her laptop for information on how to get rid of them. But what she discovers leaves a lot to be desired.

And, as always, if you pick up a copy please consider leaving a review and/or a rating on the product page to help other potential buyers. If you’d like to discuss anything in particular regarding this dossier, feel free to leave a comment in this thread and we can get a dialogue going.

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Cara Ravens - Bedtime OutfitSheesh, guys. I have three words for you all: re-fucking-lax. Like someone mentioned in the comments… We’re making porn here, not a cure for cancer. One upset person causes a shit storm the likes of which has never been seen on this website, and one by one everyone loses their goddamned minds. Let me start by saying that ghost_terror has a right to voice his opinion. He’s bought a lot of stuff from me over the years. If a company doesn’t listen to their customer base, then they will eventually crumble (or become Comcast – zing!). I was away for awhile, and I’d be willing to wager a lot of you were expecting me to return with the anticipated teaser trailer for CR4. If true, that would certainly explain some of the resentment I suppose, but not at the level that I’m reading in these vitriol-filled comments. I don’t even know how to respond to be honest.

So I won’t. It’s business as usual over here. As I mentioned last time, my render PC was crashing with just one of the Titans in it, Continue reading “Can’t We All Just Get Along?”