Sorry, that got dark pretty quick. And speaking of dark… what could be darker than that giant cock penetrating Erogenesis’ Project E mesh in the above video (brilliant segue FTW)! Between working on Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion part II and a few commission projects, I’ve been familiarizing myself more with the Project E mesh, and thought I’d do another quick animation with it. As with the last one I did, this isn’t utilizing a ton of dials to achieve the desired effect. Also, keep in mind this is more or less a ‘rough cut’. If/when she ends up in my production environment for any animation work (which I really would like), I’ll spend extra time to make it look as realistic as possible. This was literally only 15 minutes of setup. I am truly impressed with the mesh, and I really admire the gorgeous weight mapping and joint controlled morphs he has created, not to mention that lovely cock socket! Continue reading “Did He Just Say Cock Socket?”
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