So, it is finished! You can download the theme for your PS3 HERE (click on the word “here” if you are using a browser that isn’t showing that it is a link). It is a 2 MB download, compressed in a .rar file, so you will need a compression utility like WinRAR or Winzip to get the .p3t file (which is the theme file) out of the .rar. To install it, follow these steps:
- Extract the folders from the .rar file
- Put the folders onto a USB Flash drive
- DO NOT alter the folder structure, or your PS3 won’t find the theme!
- Plug your USB Flash drive into your PS3
- Go to Settings -> Theme Settings -> Theme and choose “Install”
- Select your USB Flash device
- Your PS3 will locate the Freehope theme on your USB Flash drive if you did not alter the folder structure
- Click on “Epoch Art – ‘Freehope’ Theme
- The Theme will now appear in your list of Themes
- Select the Theme from the list and click “Apply”
- Done!
I think it turned out okay; I was a little disappointed how my Sony Bravia HDTV kind of accentuates the bump mapping on the screen a little too much, but this was the first time doing this so I guess Continue reading “Freehope Playstation 3 Theme Complete!”
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