Surprise!! Dossier 011: Siren Song, featuring the bodacious and spunky Ember Riley from the comic fiction of Dark Rift, is available for purchase now in the Epoch Art store! So grab yourself a copy for only $9.99 USD and enjoy one of our most complex visual narratives to date, with tons of sci-fi action and outrageous sex! Also, BE SURE YOU HAVE THE DCV VERSION 3.0 (or higher) OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW THIS PRODUCT! You can download it right here: DCV Version 3.3 Download.
With one of the tightest product schedules I’ve held myself to, yet one of the most grueling multi-set productions for any dossier, this was a real “sink or swim” moment for me and Xipomus. I haven’t had a day off in over three weeks. Yesterday I worked 13 and a half hours to finish the remaining frames. But I’m happy to say we rose to the occasion, despite numerous ridiculous setbacks (Poser kept reparenting scene objects when I’d change from the auxiliary to the main camera! I mean what in the actual fuck? Does that make ANY sense whatsoever?). Yes, this was an intense amount of work, but I’m proud of the set… and I’m in need of a serious break.
So enjoy the return of fan favorite Ember Riley and let me know what you think of the set. I like to try different things, so I’m hoping this will be something that interests you. And, as always, if you pick up a copy please consider leaving a review and/or a rating on the product page to help other potential buyers. If you’d like to discuss anything in particular regarding this dossier, feel free to leave a comment in this thread and we can get a dialogue going.
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