Dossier 011: Siren Song – Now Available!

Surprise!! Dossier 011: Siren Song, featuring the bodacious and spunky Ember Riley from the comic fiction of Dark Rift, is available for purchase now in the Epoch Art store! So grab yourself a copy for only $9.99 USD and enjoy one of our most complex visual narratives to date, with tons of sci-fi action and outrageous sex! Also, BE SURE YOU HAVE THE DCV VERSION 3.0  (or higher) OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW THIS PRODUCT! You can download it right here: DCV Version 3.3 Download.

With one of the tightest product schedules I’ve held myself to, yet one of the most grueling multi-set productions for any dossier, this was a real “sink or swim” moment for me and Xipomus. I haven’t had a day off in over three weeks. Yesterday I worked 13 and a half hours to finish the remaining frames. But I’m happy to say we rose to the occasion, despite numerous ridiculous setbacks (Poser kept reparenting scene objects when I’d change from the auxiliary to the main camera! I mean what in the actual fuck? Does that make ANY sense whatsoever?). Yes, this was an intense amount of work, but I’m proud of the set… and I’m in need of a serious break.

So enjoy the return of fan favorite Ember Riley and let me know what you think of the set. I like to try different things, so I’m hoping this will be something that interests you. And, as always, if you pick up a copy please consider leaving a review and/or a rating on the product page to help other potential buyers. If you’d like to discuss anything in particular regarding this dossier, feel free to leave a comment in this thread and we can get a dialogue going.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All

Dossier 011: Siren Song - Coming Next WeekAs the U.S. (and soon the world) suffers through a Pokemon epidemic of biblical proportions, we here at Epoch Art have managed to fend off this harmful affliction that causes debilitating exercise and social interactions in order to bring you the best in computer generated erotica. So put down the Charmander and listen up.

Dossier 011: Siren Song, featuring Ember Riley from Dark Rift, will be released sometime next week. As promised, here is an image of the antagonist of the image set. He’s a human. Well, he was a human. Now he’s something else. Part alien? Part monster? How did this happen to him? What kind of experiments were being performed in this abandoned facility? All these questions (and many more) will be raised – and not answered. Not one bit. Continue reading “Gotta Catch ‘Em All”

Summer is Here! Better Bundle Up!

The Dossier Series 007 - 009 BundleIf you’re the type of person who identifies with the phrase “a day late and a dollar short” then you’re in luck. Because that tardiness will end up saving you money purchasing The Dossier Series 007 – 009 Bundle from Epoch Art!

We have put together our latest bundle with our standard 25% savings, making the total price only $22.49 (a savings of $7.48)!

Two of these dossiers feature the gorgeous Clara from the Epoch Art fiction of Clara Ravens, one with her hair up in a bun, and the other with her hair down (the first time ever in any dossier or comic), one with a tanned Clara and the other with tanlines! In Dossier 007: Legacy of the Batutut, Clara takes a step back through time and is chosen one to procreate with the mythical Batutut, fierce ape-like hominids who dwell deep in the jungles of Vietnam. Next up, in Dossier 008: The Boggarts of Loughcrew Cairn, Clara’s bedroom becomes infested with miniature imps after she mistakenly allows a mystical urn to become exposed to moonlight. And getting rid of these pesky creatures will be a hard pill for her to swallow. And finally, in Dossier 009: Into Ruin, we find Kole on a quest of self-destruction, wandering the red-light district of a futuristic Earth. Judgement cloudy, our hero foolishly pays for a very new type of sexual experience with a very unpredictable A.I.

If you are new to Epoch Art and haven’t experienced any of the dossiers yet, you now have three bundles to choose from! Read up on the back story of the protagonists of the most popular Epoch Art comics (Freehope, Clara Ravens, and Dark Rift) and acquaint yourself with our universe!

Dossier 009: Into Ruin Expansion – Available Now

Dossier 009: Into Ruin - ExpansionGood news for those of you who purchased Dossier 009: Into Ruinit’s been expanded! That’s right, the set now contains seven brand new images of Caerulia and Kole doing their thing, and even includes one alternate x-ray render (an image type that hasn’t been used since Clara Ravens Ep. 3 Epilogue: Homeward Bound). So if you’ve purchased the set, simply head to your ‘My Account‘ page now and redownload the product. Be sure to purge the existing comic from the DCV before loading the new one, or you won’t see the new images!

So why did you get treated to this unexpected expansion? The images were a commission from frequent commentor, super-fan, and Dark Rift-obsessed khazadune! So if you enjoy the expanded set, drop him a “thanks” in the comments below! Continue reading “Dossier 009: Into Ruin Expansion – Available Now”