The Future is Dirty

Dossier 009: Into Ruin - CityscapeSo this set, only featured in the first eight to twelve renders, took nearly two weeks to create. I always end up getting overzealous when set building as it is my favorite part of the process, and this one was incredibly enjoyable. Unfortunately, it put me WAY behind, but hey…  that’s not a surprise, now is it? In addition to this promo, I had a finished render I wanted to share as well, but the image was on my render PC sitting in Octane’s preview window, waiting to be saved, when suddenly the power went out. It was down for only few seconds, but all of my PCs shut off, so that render is lost to San Diego Gas and Electric‘s total failure as a utility company. Lesson learned; I’ll be investing in an uninterrupted power supply this week. (image has been added to the bottom of the post) Continue reading “The Future is Dirty”

Dark Rift

Dark RiftIt is my great pleasure to finally introduce to you the brand new erotic comic series I will be producing. It also has the distinction of being the first comic to be distributed through my own store front here, which will be set up in the next month.

The comic is called Dark Rift. It is mostly a science-fiction space opera, though it will have heavy psychological and survival-horror elements in it. It has a feel reminiscent of sci-fi video games Mass Effect and Dead Space, and also TV shows and movies like Firefly and Serenity. If you’ve ever enjoyed any of those, you are sure to enjoy this.

Continue reading “Dark Rift”