More Kendra on the Beach!

Kendra on the Beach 04Are the winter doldrums getting you down? Well, let’s get you all warmed up, shall we?

Got a few brand new images of Kendra on the beach set from Dossier 002: Wish You Were Here. This mini-set was commissioned by your favorite (and only) site moderator Xipomus. So be sure to drop him a “thanks” in the comments! The concept was that Chad had taken several other photographs of Kendra on the beach, similar to the promotional images for Wish You Were Here that we posted last year. These images, however, were a bit too risque for Chad to post publicly. So think of these as ‘leaked’ private images from Chad’s collection, if you will.

On to other news. Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion Part II is on hiatus. We’ve started pre-production on Dossier 009: Into Ruin. It is going to feature a character from the comic fiction of Dark Rift, including a new character that will be reminiscent of a popular video game character. I personally am very excited for the backstory this particular dossier will provide, and I hope you all will appreciate the insight into the character as well. More news (including a release date) and some promo art coming next week, so standby for all of that. Today is Thursday, so the weekend is almost here! Talk to you again soon.

Continue reading “More Kendra on the Beach!”

SSL Certificate Being Reinstalled

UPDATE FEBRUARY 13TH, 2016 @ 4:24 PM PST: SSL certificate finally replaced. You should no longer be getting warnings of untrusted connection from your browser. Happy Surfing!

Please be aware that we are currently awaiting our yearly renewal of our SSL certificate, which is required to secure the website and store (you’ll notice the https instead of just http in the URL found in your web browser’s address bar). The certificate has expired as of yesterday, but your data is still encrypted! My web host made the same bullshit mistake for the last two years, auto-billing me for an annual SSL certificate but not automating the installation of the certificate. So I am in queue to have my new SSL certificate installed, but I was told it could take 24-48 hours. If you were around this time last year, you’ll remember that the release of Dossier 006: Fire in the Ice had to be pushed for almost three days due to this same exact clusterfuck.

Supposedly, my web host claims they usually send email reminders a week before the SSL certificate expires so I can purchase a new one and make sure someone on their end installs it before the old one expires, but they claimed (this year, at least) that “they are redoing their infrastructure, and a lot of our automated emails aren’t going out”. Continue reading “SSL Certificate Being Reinstalled”

Back on Project

Hey everyone, I’m terribly sorry for the long delay since my last post. I’m sure you’re all curious about the status of Part II of Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion, but let me just drop a quick note about my current health so you understand why there’s been such a delay.

I’ve been off of work for nearly a month, and that has been a hard thing to deal with. That time was spent at doctor appointments and therapy/counseling and just generally fighting through my anxiety. I’ve managed to bounce back from the depression, but I still have a near unmanageable amount of anxiety and it’s incredibly, horribly distracting. It’s been a rough beginning of the year so far, and I still have more doctor appointments this week including an MRI for my liver and a full cardiological workup by a specialist to try and narrow down why I am having chronic chest pain. It’s hard to sit down and work when you’re so distracted and full of worry that you can’t focus, but despite this I have spent the last week rewriting a good portion of the end of Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion. I wanted to add more flavor to it, since it kind of gets a little stale at the end in my opinion (the dialogue, not the action). I’m still not 100% satisfied with it, but ideas and inspiration come to me frequently, so I might just be at the grocery store, holding a can of peas, and suddenly go, “Oh, it would be awesome if so-and-so says THIS!” and quickly jot a note down on my phone. So I am confident you’ll enjoy the conclusion, both the action and the dialogue. Continue reading “Back on Project”

Dossier 003: House of the Paramours Re-release

Hey y’all, if you’ve previously purchased Dossier 003: House of the Paramours, go to your My Account page and re-download your product to get a bonus set of eight additional images! This set requires the Dynamic Comic Viewer version 3.1! Be sure you download it HERE or you won’t see the bonus section. If you haven’t purchased Dossier 003: House of the Paramours previously, now is a perfect time to get this fantastic dossier, featuring the hottest half-breed this side of Alpha Centauri!

*EDIT 27-11-2015 XIPOMUS DCV updated again to fix the issues
Please let us know if the new versions fixes those issues.*

This bonus set is a commission featuring Callie “Callisto” Salehi, a half-human half-Margollaean U.P.A. licensed Paramour entertaining a male client. The commission is not going to be made available anywhere else, so head to the store and pick yourself up a copy today!

And even if you aren’t interested in Dossier 003: House of the ParamoursI recommend upgrading your DCV immediately, as there is a new ‘Attention Overlay’ feature that draws attention to alternate images, in addition to a new advertisement loading section that loads up fresh ads for each comic/dossier.

In other news, Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion is nearing completion! Well, at least part one is. But guys, I gotta be honest… I’m considering charging for part two. Part one ends in a cliff-hanger, and is already 175 pages long (composed of over 500 image elements) with two separate sex scenes involving four different characters. Part two will also have two sex scenes with two different characters. It won’t be as long as part one (maybe 50-75 pages), but is certainly long enough and packed with enough sex to warrant a price tag. It would be about as long as a dossier but with even more sex (again… TWO sex scenes). Part one will be the $15.00 USD price tag you’re used to for the full comic releases, but part two will only be $10.00 USD, with a ‘bundle’ released at a later date for a price tag of $20.00 USD. It might seem high, but keep in mind this dwarfs any work I’ve ever done. And, if you’ve been reading my previous blog posts, you know that the comics are going to get considerably shorter… more around the size of part two of this upcoming release… so getting part two for $10.00 USD is a steal since comics will remain $15.00 USD despite getting shorter. If you are wondering how the comics, which will only be the average length of a dossier can warrant a $5.00 higher price tag, don’t forget the bonus wallpapers, bios, 3D turntables, animations, sound effects, and score. Bottom line is that I think these decisions are reasonable from a business standpoint, but I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on the matter in a comment below.

So the big question: When is Clara Ravens Episode 4: Colombina’s Illusion coming out? Continue reading “Dossier 003: House of the Paramours Re-release”