One Who Smiles – Coming Friday December 12th

One Who Smiles - Coming December 12thIn the poll to decide the next dossier, it would seem the winner right out of the gate was Clara. So I had already started putting the set and outfits together last week. Everything is finished, and production has started. Release date will be Friday, December 12th 2014.

In regards to the questions concerning future dossiers, I do like the idea people posted in the previous thread about doing them in order of their popularity. So I will leave that poll open and refer to it next dossier outing.

Last thread reached 100 comments! I love that the site lurkers came out in a big way and voiced their opinions. I love hearing from you guys, so thank you all for your comments and your voting. Keep it up! Don’t vanish back in the shadows! Continue reading “One Who Smiles – Coming Friday December 12th”

Hurry! Vote on the Next Dossier!

Clara Ravens Ep. 4: Colombina’s Illusion is, once again, going on the back burner. There is just no way it will be done before Christmas, and although I’ve been in a better spot financially since I started selling the dossiers and getting my products in other market places, I simply cannot stretch it for more than two months it seems. Christmas is fast approaching and I’ve realized I need to immediately switch gears if I want to put something out in time for the holidays so I can go home and see my family.

So we are going to get to work right away on a new dossier. However, in order to bring the most popular option into production, we have set up a poll for you all to vote in. So choose which dossier you’d like to see most. We are going to run this poll for only a few days because, honestly, I am going to need to get to work on it ASAP. Continue reading “Hurry! Vote on the Next Dossier!”

Life is what happens…

Unused Frame from Ember's GameThings have been a little stressful around here lately. My roommate let me know only last Tuesday that he was moving out by the end of the month. And since I am going back home to visit my family this week, I had to scramble to find a new roommate before I leave. So the majority of last week was lost on that debacle. But the good news is I have a roommate ready to move in in October, and the both of us are super-stoked. So everything worked out.

I had scheduled over 20 appointments to show my apartment today and tomorrow (I leave for home on Wednesday), but after I talked to the person who is going to be my new roommate, things just clicked. We have a ton of things in common, so I had this person come by before anyone and check the place out and then we had a nice chat, and we both agreed it was a good fit. So I was able to cancel all the appointments I had scheduled and am able to get real work done on Clara Ravens Ep. 4 today! Thank goodness that ordeal is over with. Continue reading “Life is what happens…”

The Deep Dive to Social Media

San Diego Comic Con 2014Well, I’m back on the grid and ready to drop some updates. But to be honest, the notion of writing a long-winded blog post to fill you all in on my San Diego Comic Con 2014 experience, update plans for the DCV, social media launches, and the state of my liver after the heavy boozing over the last two weeks seems exhausting. So I’m just going to let this one flow ‘stream of consciousness’ style and see where it takes us. I hope to be brief. I also hope I’m wearing briefs because I just pissed myself with boredom (that’s a thing, right?).

First off, SDCC 2014 was incredible albeit lacking in energy and pizzazz. This year felt… smaller. I don’t know quite how to describe it. Missing was the grand spectacle of previous year’s booths, which would blow your mind as you first walked on the exhibit floor. Also seemingly in smaller numbers were the cosplayers. I honestly don’t recall seeing even one single Power Girl. Seriously. How the fuck was there no Power Girl cosplay? That’s usually the go-to cosplay for chicks who want to show off their magnificent rack. And finally, the crowd itself just seemed to be lacking the enthusiasm and energy of years past. It was a very low-energy vibe I got this year… Continue reading “The Deep Dive to Social Media”