Dossier 009: Into Ruin – Now Available

The first Epoch Art release of 2016 is finally here! Dossier 009: Into Ruin is available in the Epoch Art store! So grab yourself a copy of good old fashioned sci-fi sex for only $9.99 USD! Also, BE SURE YOU HAVE THE DCV VERSION 3.0  (or higher) OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW THIS PRODUCT! You can download that little gem right here: DCV Version 3.3 Download.

In this dossier, we meet Kole prior to the events of Dark Rift Ep. 1: Resurrection. It is shortly after his wife Sierra and daughter Skye were killed in an attack on their transport ship as they made their way to their new home on a recently terraformed planet named Caerulia. Kole is on a path of self-destruction, since he partially blames himself for their deaths. One drunken night he encounters an interesting coincidence that he sees as a penance for his failure, but it ends up being much more than he could have imagined…. or does it?

I love the narrative in this dossier probably more than any I’ve done so far. I also had a ton of fun building the sets for this dossier. Please take your time and enjoy the images, especially the early ones, as there is plenty to see that will add much more to your enjoyment of the dossier.

And, as always, if you pick up a copy please consider leaving a review and/or a rating on the product page to help other potential buyers. If you’d like to discuss anything in particular regarding this dossier, feel free to leave a comment in this thread and we can get a dialogue going.

Aliquis is Red, Caerulia is Blue

Dossier 009: Into Ruin - Promo 05Not sure if many of you noticed, but yesterday I uploaded a full body shot of Caerulia, the artificial intelligence female character in the upcoming Dossier 009: Into Ruin. Check the bottom of my previous post for that image. That render was really just to show off her body, since a few of you asked for a full body shot, because the location wasn’t really even complete. I was still in the process of building the room, and found myself struggling with the lighting. I tried several different setups yesterday, but have finally settled on the lighting you see in this image. I really like the complimentary color palette and I think it works well.

I wanted to take a minute to describe how Caerulia’s room works, even though that information will hopefully be conveyed clearly though the visual storytelling of the dossier itself. It is a simple four walled room with a door on one side, the rest of the room covered in opaque black glass panels. When the client Continue reading “Aliquis is Red, Caerulia is Blue”

The Future is Dirty

Dossier 009: Into Ruin - CityscapeSo this set, only featured in the first eight to twelve renders, took nearly two weeks to create. I always end up getting overzealous when set building as it is my favorite part of the process, and this one was incredibly enjoyable. Unfortunately, it put me WAY behind, but hey…  that’s not a surprise, now is it? In addition to this promo, I had a finished render I wanted to share as well, but the image was on my render PC sitting in Octane’s preview window, waiting to be saved, when suddenly the power went out. It was down for only few seconds, but all of my PCs shut off, so that render is lost to San Diego Gas and Electric‘s total failure as a utility company. Lesson learned; I’ll be investing in an uninterrupted power supply this week. (image has been added to the bottom of the post) Continue reading “The Future is Dirty”

Dossier 009: Into Ruin – Coming Soon

Dossier 009: Into Ruin - Promo 01I’m terribly sorry this took until the end of the week to get posted up, but setting these three characters up turned out to be very difficult. The new female character (who is clearly based on Cortana from the “Halo” video game franchise) took several days to texture and set up materials for. Those circuits… Good lord, they took forever to get right. But I am very pleased with how she turned out. Continue reading “Dossier 009: Into Ruin – Coming Soon”