I apologize for the long delay in any kind of update on the blog, but November has been a particularly crazy month in the world of video games. Too many of my favorite game franchises saw their annual releases in time for the holidays, and not being the patient type, I bought them all. Ironically, with all these new games to play, I’ve pretty much only been playing Skyrim and Batman: Arkham City. I have Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and Uncharted 3 just sitting, shrink-wrapped and awaiting their turn to dazzle me with awesomeness, but I simply can’t stop playing the other two.
In other news, I took down the GFC widget. Also, FUCK YOU, GOOGLE. I’ve never been able to get that stupid fucking widget to work for any extended period of time. Google employs some of the most brilliant software engineers on the planet, and they can’t get a simple fucking AJAX app to work Continue reading “Catgirls & Dickgirls & Sex… Oh My!”
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